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TO_AITION at ESC Congress 2024: Advancing Research on Cardiovascular Disease and Depression

On 2 September 2024, the TO_AITION project had the privilege of hosting a dedicated session at the ESC Congress 2024 in London, bringing together leading experts from within and outside of the consortium, to discuss the complex relationship between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and depression comorbidity. This session, titled "TO_AITION: Cardiovascular Disease and Depression Comorbidity – Insights into its Underlying Pathophysiology," provided a deep dive into the molecular, immune, and metabolic mechanisms linking these conditions.

With personalized cardiovascular care as a key theme of this year’s ESC Congress, the session aligned perfectly with ongoing efforts to tailor prevention and treatment strategies to individual patient profiles.

Insights from the TO_AITION Session

Chaired by Prof. Gerard Pasterkamp from partner UMCU (Netherlands) and Prof. Isabel Gonçalves (Lund University, Sweden), the session featured a distinguished panel of researchers who presented their latest findings on the biological pathways connecting CVD and depression.

  • Prof. Eicke Latz from partner UKB (Germany) opened the session with a discussion on innate immunity in atherosclerosis, highlighting the role of immune system dysregulation in the progression of cardiovascular disease.

  • Dr. Vangelis Andreakos, the TO_AITION coordinator (Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Greece) explored novel immune pathways in cardiometabolic comorbidities, shedding light on potential therapeutic targets for both cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

  • Dr. Yuri Milaneschi from partner VUMC (Netherlands) examined the immuno-metabolic mechanisms of depression, offering new perspectives on how inflammation and metabolic changes contribute to mood disorders in individuals with cardiovascular disease.

  • Prof. Claudia Monaco (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) concluded the session with an insightful presentation on therapeutic targeting of inflammation in atherosclerosis, emphasizing emerging treatments that may improve patient outcomes by addressing inflammatory drivers of disease.

Key Takeaways

This session reinforced the growing recognition that cardiovascular disease and mental health disorders are deeply interconnected, driven by shared inflammatory and metabolic pathways. Understanding these links is crucial for developing more effective diagnostic tools, risk stratification methods, and personalized treatments for patients affected by both conditions.

The discussions also underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in tackling these complex comorbidities, highlighting the TO_AITION project’s role in bridging cardiology, immunology, and psychiatry to advance patient care.

As the ESC Congress 2024 focused on personalizing cardiovascular care, the TO_AITION session contributed valuable insights into how emerging research can reshape the way cardiovascular and mental health conditions are diagnosed and treated.

We extend our gratitude to all speakers, chairs, and participants who contributed to this engaging and thought-provoking session.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848146

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