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1 Prof. Terho Lehtimäki.jpg

Prof. Terho Lehtimäki

3 Binisha Hamal Mishra, MSc.PNG

Binisha Hamal Mishra, MSc

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Dr. Pashupati Mishra

4 Joanna Ciantar, MSc.png

The Clinical Chemistry research group from TAUH, Tampere, Finland is involved in; 1) development of multiomics integrative bioinformatic analysis pipelines for multiomic data analysis, and 2) integrative analyses of omics and clinical datasets from the Young Finns Study (YFS), the Tampere Vascular Study (TVS), the Finnish cardiovascular study (FINCAVAS), the angiography and genes study (ANGES) and the mass data in detection and prevention of serious adverse events in cardiovascular disease (MADDEC) to identify molecules and molecular networks across multiomics as well as clinical factors that are associated with biomarkers of both cardiovascular disease and depression. The group also has supportive roles in work packages related to data enrichment, harmonization and development of risk stratification tool using the biomarkers identified by us as well as other partners of the To Aition consortium. 


The group is led by professor Terho Lehtimäki, and Academy Research Fellow Pashupati Mishra, PhD, and Binisha Hamal Mishra, MSc, and Joanna Ciantar, MSc, are responsible for the bioinformatic analysis for ToAition project.

Joanna Ciantar, MSc


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848146


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